In a manufacturing environment, the full power of an ERP system is realized. Having your operations completely integrated
Serving discrete and process manufacturing companies in all phases of the product lifecycle
with the financials allows your business to analyze forecasting, planning, costing, production scheduling, supply chain, and resource availability all in one place. Additionally, using technology to enhance shop floor operations with barcoding and scanning empowers workers to utilize the availability of real-time information.
With twenty-one years of software experience, a background in industrial engineering and implementations for over 50 manufacturers, John Hannan LLC understands how to make your ERP vision a reality. Our principal consultant is an Industrial Engineer (IE) and well-versed in these principles both through education and work experience, has implemented over 10 different ERP solutions is and certified by Microsoft for Microsoft Dynamics Financials and Trade & Logistics, and the Project Management Institute as a Project Management Professional (PMP).
Excerpts on Manufacturing from our ERP Visions Blog
Want to learn more? See more Manufacturing posts from our ERP Visions blog.